Sunday, March 20, 2011

Raising Your Parrot Pet in Caring Way

Parrot should not be confined totally in the cage for a very long time. Now this is a very big deal raising parrots to abide silent rules of knowing when it must be inside or outside a cage. You can make your pet parrot very charming and fascinating, if you allow it to interact with yourself. Your parrot can not be amusing and charming if it is kept in the cage constantly. Because this practice will only teach the parrot to wail repeated shrieks and soon

you will become sick of this parrot’s behavior. So raising your pet parrot in perfect manner is necessary to make it a fascinating companion.

You are required to give daily few minutes to your parrots, if you really want to win its respect. Parrot is nothing more than a beautiful colored bird with sweet voice but proper training can take out a priceless loyalty from this bird. Look how fascinating it is that parrot climbs up and down on its perch on your strict orders. If your bird is doing acts on your commands, it is indeed an accomplishment.

Parrots can be annoying if they are given full freedom to do anything. Parrots abuse total freedom just like spoiled brat kids. Parrot starts dominating the situation as soon as it takes its first flight. Parrots start doing very menacing acts if they are given freedom to fly freely in home like pecking furniture, especially woods.

Do not let your parrot creating mess in your home by giving it the full control to fly anywhere. At the same time, do not punish your parrot harshly. Try settling down your parrot with closed wings and have a complete check on it. A simple practice is like picking up your pet and putting it back on the perch so that it get to know the manners.

Your parrot will nip you frequently while learning the manners especially if it is young and curious. Your parrot should know that nipping is not a good habit and you should teach the parrot this thing by giving a “NO” command. You can also blow its face after nipping you or giving it an earthquake shake while settled on your palm.

In severe cases, deprivation is the best solution to remove any menacing habit. Any strong pecking must be followed by effective punishment of putting your pet parrot in total separated cage for 15 minutes or so. By regular practice, the parrot will finally get to know that why it loses freedom after a bad behavior like biting.

Remember, parrots always scream when they feel boredom. You can erase this habit by placing the cage of parrot near the television where it can watch. Do not neglect the parrot’s need for fun if you really want to make it a fascinating and loyal companion.

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